Sunday, December 25, 2011

Swimming To Burn Fat

!: Swimming To Burn Fat

In this article I am going to discuss the act of swimming to burn fat, and a little bit about what kind of energy expenditure one could expect from swimming.

I hold the opinion that people who need to lose weight shouldn't have to count calories, since that is very unnatural and humans lived perfectly healthy for hundreds of thousands of years without having access to calculators.

That being said, I do think calorie counting can be of benefit for people who are preparing for something like a fitness competition or photo shoot. In those cases, counting calories, both from diet and from exercise, can be a good way to ensure that they will be in the perfect shape at the right time.

Swimming is usually taught to kids at a young age, and this is done for a very important reason: Swimming can save your life. If you were to ever fall out of a boat, or fall off a cliff and into the ocean, you might drown if you didn't know how to swim properly. Therefore having a basic knowledge of swimming can be considered a necessary skill for anyone who ever wants to go close to the ocean or go sailing.

Swimming also has health benefits, and swimming to burn fat can help you lose quite a bit of weight. When you swim, you engage a lot of muscles at the same time. Obviously both the arms and legs, but in order to keep your body steady during the swimming motion then you also need to engage your shoulders, back and abdominal muscles. Therefore swimming pretty much works all of your body at the same time, enabling you to burn a lot of calories.

It is pretty difficult to guess exactly how much you will burn while swimming, as this depends on several factors. If you are heavy, you will burn more calories than if you are light. If you are very unskilled at swimming and produce a lot of turbulence in the water, then you will also burn more calories for the same distance. If you swim hard enough that your muscles go into anaerobic respiration, then you will burn more calories for the next 24 hours or longer.

If you are light and swim quietly, you can expect to burn about 200 to 250 calories per hour. If you are heavy, and swim hard, then you might expend closer to 900-1000 calories in an hour.

I wouldn't recommend swimming very hard for beginners, since you don't want to cramp up or get extremely fatigued in the middle of the pool, that can be dangerous and could result in drowning. I also recommend swimming in a pool where there are lifeguards around, going to swim in the ocean by yourself is a very bad idea.

So to sum up, if you want to try to get yourself rid of some calories then swimming to burn fat would be a good idea, as long as it is done in a safe environment.

Swimming To Burn Fat

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Exceptional Cognitive Abilities of Dolphins

!: The Exceptional Cognitive Abilities of Dolphins

Dolphins are perhaps the most intelligent aquatic mammal on Earth. With their self-awareness and abilities to communicate, reason, express emotions, adapt, and perform altruistic acts, they have spread across every ocean and many freshwater rivers in the same way humans have populated every continent. The cognitive abilities of dolphins are exceptional. Below is a close examination of this mammal's brain size, structure and remarkable cognitive abilities.

I. Brain Size/Structure:

Dolphins have a large, folded brain with an exceptional intellectual capacity. As a result, they learn extremely quickly and possess the ability to produce creative responses.

Although their cerebral cortex is 40% larger than that of humans, it is shallower, resulting in a neocortical volume that is 80% of that of humans. Nonetheless, both possess comparative cerebral hemispheres and folding to process sensory information and stimuli.

The average bottlenose dolphin brain weighs 1.7 kg (.4 kg more than the average human brain). When comparing brain size to body size - the Encephalization Quotient (EQ), the average dolphin brain registers between 4 and 5 (second to the 7 EQ of the average human brain and significantly higher than the EQ of any other type of animal including the great apes). This indicates a close proximity to human cognitive abilities.

In comparison to humans and other land mammals, a dolphin's brain has five versus six layers in their neocortex, with no functional segregation. This likely permits humans to focus on greater detail and dolphins to process sensory information at greater speeds, which may be more critical in a 3-dimensional water-based environment with few distinguishable landmarks where sound travels 4-5 times faster than on land.

In addition, relative to brain size, a dolphin's brain has a significantly larger cerebellum than a human. This is likely since an aquatic environment places greater need on motor control. Furthermore, a dolphin's cerebellum is also larger due to the absence of functional specialization, since it is likely used for cognitive processing.

Unlike the human brain, a dolphin's brain includes a paralimbic lobe to enhance integrated information and emotional processing. It is likely that emotions play a greater role in a dolphin's life than a human life.

Dolphins generally sleep in a semi-alert state by closing one eye and resting one side of the brain at a time. They usually alternate, closing one eye for 5-10 minutes and then the other. Within a 24-hour period, dolphins generally rest each eye and each side of the brain between 3-4 hours.

This is necessary so that dolphins can keep a lookout for potential predators - usually large sharks and killer whales. Remarkably, many dolphins in captivity, having recognized the absence of potential predators, rest both sides of their brain simultaneously, sleeping with both eyes shut.

II. Social Setting:

Dolphins are exceptionally social animals, consistent with humans, great apes and other creatures displaying high levels of intelligence. They occupy home ranges and live in pods or schools known as fission-fusion societies based on subgroups of age and sex-related individuals with size varying dramatically from about 6 to up to several thousand. At times, when there is an abundance of food, pods can join with each other forming superpods.

Although membership in pods is flexible and fluid, members of a pod form strong bonds with each other. Some pods are long lasting while others are merely temporary associations of individuals formed for a common goal. Nevertheless, dolphins refuse to abandon injured or ill individuals, assisting them to stay afloat to breathe if necessary. In addition, mother dolphins are known to take loving care of their young while entire pods will risk their safety to protect a mother and her calf from harm.

Within these pods, dolphins maintain intricate social networks. Each dolphin has a few close associates and additional more casual relationships with others within the pod. Dolphins breathe together, hunt together, coordinate their movements to capture prey, and take turns ingesting such prey. In addition, dolphins frequently alert others when large amounts of prey are discovered enabling others to get more food while enhancing safety with their greater numbers since potential predators may be interested in the same food source. Dolphins work exceptionally well during times of danger.

Dolphins are among the few species known to teach their young survival skills and culture. Mother dolphins teach their young to hunt through playful-looking movements, pointing gestures, and repetition. When teaching a calf to hunt, mother dolphins consistently take 8 times longer to capture and ingest their prey - often capturing and releasing it so that their calves can learn through observation and repetition. This transfer of knowledge is called "theory of mind."[1]

In addition to learning to hunt, young dolphins undergo extensive training. They learn about the rules of the pod, are disciplined when they act inappropriately, are taught about collaboration and cooperation, and about the identities and personalities of each member. Furthermore, to assist with the tasks, mothers share responsibilities and often take turns watching over hyperactive calves.

Dolphins are also taught to communicate through sound imitation. At this time, dolphins are the only non-human mammal to display strong evidence of vocal mimicry, vocal learning,[2] and learning of body movements through imitation.

In May 2005, it was discovered that the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin passed on cultural behavior by teaching their young to break off sponges and cover their snouts with them while foraging for food. At the same time, it was discovered that some male dolphins in Brazil taught their young to use weeds and sticks as part of their sexual rituals.

Like other creatures of higher intelligence, dolphins at times engage in acts of aggression using their teeth and snouts as weapons. These disputes likely arise over competition for mates. At times these acts are so intense that targeted dolphins leave the pod or unfortunate calves fall victim to infanticide.

While sexual acts between dolphins are usually brief, foreplay can be lengthy and sexual acts can be repeated many times in a short timespan. In addition, dolphins may engage in sexual activity for pleasure and among different species, producing hybrids. However, at times, sexual activity can be violent with male dolphins displaying aggression towards both females and other males.

Complex play is also an important part of a dolphin's life. Dolphins occasionally perform acrobatic tricks, play with seaweed and other food, produce bubble rings that they then observe and even bite, and play-fight among themselves. They also enjoy surfing waves and even interacting with boats and other creatures such as whales and humans.

III. Multi-modal Sensory Perception:

Dolphins primarily use four senses to perceive the world around them. These senses, used in simultaneity and conjunction with each other, are vision, echolocation, taste, and touch. Together they are used to integrate information from their surroundings. Such information is processed at high speeds. Yet despite the multi-modal nature of dolphins, it appears that they have no sense of smell.

Dolphins have acute vision both in and out of water. In addition, their eyes possess both rods and L-Cones enabling them to see in dim and bright light, and possibly colors within the red and green light spectrums. Dolphins, however, cannot see blue coloring except under certain light conditions when both the rods and L-cones, which have a very low sensitivity for blue light, are active. However, with 7,000 times as many rods as the human eye, dolphins can see extremely well in dark conditions such as murky water.

In addition, dolphins can move their eyes in different directions at the same time. One eye can look to the side while the other looks up enabling them to have two fields of vision with a 300° panoramic view. These two fields of vision can also overlap.

Dolphins generally hear tones within the frequency range of .25 to 150 kHz versus the average human auditory range of .02 to 17 kHz. In echolocation (the ability to see with their ears, in which the dolphin receives sound waves in the form of nerve impulses that are interpreted into a visual depiction of the object), dolphins may emit up to 700 clicks per second at between 40 to 150 kHz to detect the size and location of an object hundreds of meters away. In fact, dolphin echolocation is so sensitive that it can detect a 3-inch steel ball from approximately 90 meters away. Echolocation is also valuable in detecting echo signatures of potential prey.

Dolphins possess the ability to taste and differentiate between salt, bitter, sweet, and sour. This can be useful for navigation (ocean currents may have distinct chemical traces), orientation, discovering food, locating other dolphins, reproduction, and even stress sensitivity.

Dolphins also are extremely sensitive to touch which can be useful in sensing water movement and utilizing it to their advantage. The reason dolphins have such acute touch is because unlike human skin that possesses an epidermal layer of dead cells, a dolphin's outer layer of skin is composed entirely of live cells.

IV. Shape Recognition:

Studies have shown that dolphins can match simple and complex shapes with precision. In an early study, dolphins were able to match a cube, pyramid, and rectangular prism with high accuracy based on vision and echolocation.

In another study, a dolphin's ability to match 16 pairs of complex shapes and designs was tested through vision, echolocation, and multi-modal (vision and echolocation used in conjunction with each other) perception. The results were astonishing. During this experiment, an 8 year-old female bottlenose dolphin, Ebele was able to match 94.6% of the pairs through echolocation to vision (detected the pairs which hidden in a box through echolocation and then matched them through vision with pairs suspended in the water), 97.1% of the pairs through vision to echolocation (detected through vision pairs suspended in water and matched them with pairs hidden in boxes through echolocation) in a sample consisting of 384 trials. The results were even equally astonishing when Ebele's multi-modal skills were tested. When tested to match pairs projected over a television screen (for which echolocation cannot be used) with pairs suspended in the water that allowed Ebele to use vision and echolocation simultaneously, she was able to identify 95.8% of the pairs in a sample consisting of 24 trials.

V. Mirror Self Recognition (MSR):

The ability to possess sentience or self-awareness to think about oneself in the physical and mental realms illustrates a complex level of abstract thinking that is rare among animals. Studies have shown that dolphins possess this self-awareness.

Studies have shown that dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror and investigate their own bodies. They have also shown that dolphins are aware of their own behavior and body parts as well as their feelings of doubt when subjected to difficult memory tests.

During the MSR tests, dolphins proved that they possessed selective attention in that they could pay attention to themselves in a mirror and were aware that they were viewing themselves instead of another animal.

When dolphins were marked with non-toxic ink or water markers consisting of no ink, they immediately swam over to a mirror or the most reflective object (when a mirror was not present) to inspect themselves. Furthermore, when dolphins had been marked by non-toxic ink, they spent more time in front of the mirror, carefully examining the marking on their bodies.

With their self-awareness, dolphins can also form analogies between their bodies and those of another, even improvising when the body of another species looks nothing like their own body. For example, if a person raises a leg, a dolphin may raise its tail.

In another example of self-awareness as well as understanding of cause and effect, dolphins have been observed to splash water on people who have approached their tanks and then raise themselves out of the water to determine the response their actions had elicited.

Dolphins can also discern the difference between reality and television. When observing others being fed on television, they initially swam up to the TV to check for fish. Afterwards, upon realizing that televisions projected depictions of reality, dolphins swam to their feeding areas when they saw others being fed on television, in anticipation that they too were about to be fed.

VI. Language and Communication:

Being among the most vocal of animals, dolphins are capable of producing a broad range of sounds ranging from whistles (their primary means of communication), burst-pulsed sounds (primarily used to convey a dolphin's emotional state ranging from pleasure to distress), and clicks (primarily for echolocation).

From a very young age, dolphins learn to produce a signature whistle (likely their name) based on imitation of a mother's signature whistle. This signature whistle allows others to identify the individual. In addition, dolphins also learn to imitate another's signature whistle so that they can likely address other dolphins by name, a key component of any functional language. They often whistle and respond to whistles to let others know where they are. In addition, a mother and calf who become separated, whistle frequently to locate each other until they are reunited. It is also believed that dolphins use whistles to refer to prey and objects. However, the extent is not known.

At the same time, it is known that dolphins use pulsed yelps during courtship, pulsed squeaks when in danger, and a rapid series of buzzing clicks when angry or involved in a confrontation.

In addition, dolphins also use body language as a means of communicating. This body language ranges from arching their bodies, bubble blowing, swimming with joined pectoral fins, flexing, head movement, nuzzling, jaw clapping, and even ramming and head butting.

Sufficient evidence exists that dolphins communicate information about "what," "where," and "who" while there is no substantive evidence of them communicating about "when," "how" or "why."[3] Furthermore, studies have shown that dolphins communication like that of humans, is intentional, the core purpose of developed languages. This communication ranges from playful, excited chatter to more serious conversation, for which the depth and content is not fully understood. A vivid example of dolphins' intentional communication occurred in an aquarium in Hawaii. When a mother and her two-year-old calf were placed in separate tanks that were connected via audio link, both mother and calf were observed chirping at each other as they rapidly exchanged information over a telephone link.

In addition, studies have shown that dolphins are capable of understanding symbols and hand gestures (mainly from American Sign Language), can learn associations between symbols, sounds, and objects without specific reinforcement or direct intervention, and can classify relationships between events. In fact dolphins have proven to be as proficient as humans when it comes to comprehending constructed sentence structures with a strong understanding of syntax (knowledge that word order makes a difference and changes the meaning of a sentence, for example dolphins know they cannot fetch a person and put him or her on a surfboard) and semantics (comprehension of words and symbols). In addition, experiments have shown that dolphins can also discern between numerical values. They can comprehend if two or three objects are available and can also determine with little effort if something is absent. For example when a dolphin is asked to retrieve a Frisbee in the water, it does so with little effort when such a Frisbee is present. However, when asked to place a Frisbee that is present in the water on a surfboard that is absent, dolphins have been shown to respond that they cannot do so since the surfboard is not present.

VII. Memory:

Studies have shown that dolphins have excellent memory systems. This has been proven by dolphins' abilities to learn sentence structure and meaning, retain human vocabularies of approximately 40 words in which thousands of sentences can be constructed, to memorize objects seen (matching them against new pairings consisting of pairs and triplicates of objects) and sounds heard (ranging from high frequency to long duration and match them against lists of between two to six different types of sounds) and by their ability to learn specific behaviors that can result in either adverse or rewarding experiences.

However, despite their excellent memory systems, the core of cognitive learning, dolphins appear to have a short-term memory that is more acute than their long-term memory. They were able to identify objects seen and sounds heard with a higher accuracy based on recency of effect.

VIII. Emotions:

Dolphins utilize vocal sounds and swimming patterns to express emotions in lieu of facial expressions.

Dolphins are generally affectionate creatures that show emotions towards their own kind as well as other species. They show concern for ill or injured members of their pod, they fiercely protect a mother and her young from predators, mourn for deceased members, and show excitement and joy when reunited with long lost members for which they had developed a bond. In addition, dolphins have displayed the capacity to show fear and concern and been shown to possess not only emotions that last for a short duration but also moods that could last for longer durations.

IX. Altruism:

Stories date back thousands of years about the altruistic, selfless nature of dolphins. Dolphins are not only altruistic towards their own kind but other species as well. Many examples of intra- and interspecies altruism exist. At times, dolphins have sounded an alert heard 10 kms away to call other dolphins to assist in saving a human being. This interspecies altruism is likely the result of a dolphin's strong emotional feelings, self-awareness, "theory of mind," consciousness, and perhaps even the existence of a conscience in that they could not bear to see a human being perish anymore than a person could bear to see a dolphin or cat or dog perish. As a result, they transpose feelings of anguish, hurt, and loneliness onto others producing the same feelings of compassion that humans have for another. In essence, dolphins possess an openness and caring for other species.

A dolphin reportedly saved Telemachus, the son of Odysseus when he fell into the sea and nearly drowned as was written by Homer (c. 850 BC). In gratitude, Odysseus placed the figure of a dolphin on his shield.

Roman scientist Plinius (AD23-AD79) wrote about a dolphin that befriended a little boy. The boy fed the dolphin each day. One day when the dolphin did not see the boy, it searched for him. Upon discovering that he had drowned, the dolphin pushed his body onto a beach, laid next to him and died. Roman mosaics also show men playing with dolphins.

In the 18th century, a pod of dolphins saved Vietnamese sailors after their boat was sunk by hostile invaders.

In 1996, Martin Richardson was saved from a shark attack in the Red Sea when pod of dolphins encircled him and created turbulence to scare away the shark. The dolphins did not leave until Mr. Richardson was rescued.

In 2004, a group of New Zealand lifeguards were saved by dolphins that had formed a protective ring around them. The dolphins maintained the ring for about 40 minutes until 3 m-long shark had left. The lifeguards then swam to shore.

In 2007 a pod of dolphins saved surfer Todd Endris from a great white shark that had attacked him.

In March 2008, a dolphin came to the rescue of two pygmy sperm whales, a mother whale and her calf that were stranded on a New Zealand beach upon hearing the whales' distress calls. The dolphin led the whales 200 m along the beach and safely out to sea. This was similar to a 1983 incident at Tokerau Beach, New Zealand when a pod of dolphins herded a group of between 76 to 80 pilot whales and guided them safely out to sea.

Dolphins have been known to support a sick member of their pod and to standby an injured or ill companion regardless of the danger to themselves. They also work cooperatively in groups, assist each other in obtaining a mate, and put themselves at risk to defend a mother and her calf.

X. Conclusion:

Based on the exceptional cognitive abilities of dolphins, the existence of cognitive convergence (in which brains of separate species share remarkable abilities to process sensory information and input from their surroundings and to communicate and comprehend language), one can hope for the day when interspecies communication is possible so that all species may develop a greater understanding of the world, greater appreciation for each other, and most importantly collaborate for joint solutions to preserve our wonderful planet. When or if interspecies communication is made possible through technology (e.g. computer links - dolphins have already been proven to understand computer-generated bars and disks that symbolize words and phrases in sign language) and greater understanding, from what can we learn better about what it takes to and is like living in all the oceans of the world regardless of temperature, depth, and chemical content, and anecdotal evidence of marine world issues than dolphins?


[1] Dolphins and the evolution of teaching.  World Science.  7 August 2008.  17 January 2009.

[2] Diana Reiss, Brenda McCowan and Lori Marino.  Communicative and other cognitive characteristics of bottlenose dolphins.  Trends in Cognitive Science. Vol. 1, No. 4.  Elsevier Science, Ltd.  July 1997. p. 2.

[3] Margaret Klinowska.  Brains, Behaviour and Intelligence in Cetaceans (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises).  26 September 1994.  17 January 2009.

Additional Reference:

Adam A. Pack and Louis M. Herman.  Sensory integration in the bottlenosed dolphin: Immediate recognition of complex shapes across the senses of echolocation and vision.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.  Acoustical Society of America.  1 August 1995. pp. 726, 729-730.

The Exceptional Cognitive Abilities of Dolphins

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Things to Avoid While Swimming

!: Things to Avoid While Swimming

Swimming can give you lots of benefits both in your physical and mental condition. It can help you achieve a healthy body and a relaxed mental status. There are various ways that you can do while swimming but you have to avoid some things while swimming to get most of the benefits that this activity offers. Here are some things that you must avoid while swimming:


Most swimmers quit swimming because they find it exhausting and tiring. They often get tired because of wrong techniques that they do. You must set a specific amount of time for your swimming routines so that you will experience burn out. You must stick to your plans and limits for you not to go beyond what your body is capable of. Always remember that you also need time to rest your body after swimming.


Your goals will serve as your inspiration and motivation to keep going. You will lose your concentration if you do not have goals why you are engaging in that activity. You must formulate specific and attainable goals before anything else. This is important to monitor how much you have achieved so far.


You must remember that excessive muscle pains are signals that you are doing the wrong thing in the activity and you are pushing the limit. You must learn to take everything slow and sure. Damaging your body for the sake of doing your routines completely will not do good for your body. You must observe what your body is capable of doing.


You must remember that you should not settle for one routine for your training. You must put variations for you to work on all the areas of your body that need improvement and exercise. You can either change the distance or the stroke that you use to be able to change your routine. You must remember that you need your whole body to function effectively.


You must keep yourself away from bad habits like smoking and drinking excessive alcohol. You should know that these things will affect your physical condition and your swimming performance. You also need to open yourself to possible criticisms by trainers for you to improve in your craft.

Swimming is an enjoyable activity that you can do with your friends and relatives. You can improve your health with swimming. You just need to avoid certain things in order to be successful in this physical activity. You must follow them so that you will achieve your goals.

Things to Avoid While Swimming

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Electric Swimming Pool Covers

!: Electric Swimming Pool Covers

Why? It cannot be argued that swimming pool covers are an essential addition to any pool. No matter what the weather, you'll want to keep the elements and the debris out of the water, keeping it clean for your family.

Swimming pool covers are heavy - those designed with safety in mind can be especially cumbersome - and easing the process of ravelling and unravelling the large cover may be a priority for many people. Why not opt for an electric swimming pool cover. These electric covers are essentially the same as other covers, but when you want to put them over or drag them off the pool it's as simple as pressing a button.

Who would use them? Electric covers are often popular in public pools where it must go on every evening, and come off every morning - electricity greatly assists this tedious and difficult process.

But they can be used in the home, too. Unlike with standard manual covers, neither strength nor dexterity is required to use electric swimming pool covers. This makes them ideal for elderly or disabled people, especially those that require frequent dips into the pool for therapeutic reasons. If retracting the cover is too much for some people on their own, then an electric swimming pool cover would be an ideal solution.

How do they work? A motorised pole the turns a reel, either pulling the cover in or pushing it out along rails. The electric pole will be versatile enough to fit a range of pool widths and lengths (and should be easily adjusted by the purchaser or the installer) This increases the choice available for those seeking to buy one, as they are not restricted to a particular make or brand that is made specifically for a certain sized pool.

The aesthetics of the cover will often be more pleasing if electric swimming pool covers are integrated into newly built pools, but if the pool is aleady installed and working, a retro-fit version may be your only choice.

This electric, automated action means that electric swimming pool covers are often referred to as "automatic pool covers", since they automatically deploy and retract. The two terms can often be used interchangeably, though it is important to note that by 'automatic' we do not mean that it performs the action without any prompting. While this behaviour is, conceivably, possible, it is not within the standard function of an electric cover.

Electric Swimming Pool Covers

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some Things to Consider Before Buying a Swimming Pool

!: Some Things to Consider Before Buying a Swimming Pool

Owning a swimming pool is an aspiration for many people. It can provide many hours of family fun. A summer barbecue by the pool can be enjoyed by everyone. However, don't get carried away by the dream. There are several things you need to know of.

First of, swimming pools are extremely expensive. The initial construction will run into thousands of dollars. Many people would love to have an in ground pool. These can easily run into the tens of thousands because of the work involved. But most people forget of the ongoing maintenance costs. You will constantly need to buy new filtration chemicals and be filling it up with water. Because the equipment will be under constant use, it will break down regularly and need to be repaired or replaced. After the spring the water will be especially dirty. Unless you have special equipment (very pricey) it might be best for it to be cleaned by a professional. Many people look at the initial price tag, imagine the fun it will bring and be fine with it. It's the ongoing costs that people don't consider that breaks people.

Second, remember that pools are a lot of maintenance. The water must be constantly monitored and kept clean. You need to change the filters and use an automatic cleaner. I know many people who installed pools in their back yards. They loved it for awhile. But after several years they tired of all the work that needed to be done. Eventually many of them had them removed because they no longer thought it was worth it.

Swimming pools can be a lot of fun. However, look before you leap. Consider both the amount of time and money it will fully cost you before proceeding.

Some Things to Consider Before Buying a Swimming Pool

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance (Sports and Athletics Preparation, Performance, and Psychology)

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Before 1970, scientific research in swimming was poor and anecdotal, and the improvements of performance were linked firstly to the swimmer's experience and, secondly, as a result of permanent research for speed. Before and after the Second World War, scientific studies were conducted by pioneers and marked the beginning of research in stroke mechanics and swimming physiology exercise. This book reviews research on the body of knowledge available for the improvement of sports coaching and training practice in swimming, which seems to be relevant, numerous, and diversified enough to help swimming coaches bridge the gap between theory and practice.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

History of English Channel Swimming

!: History of English Channel Swimming

When thinking about swimming feats, the English channel swim always comes first to mind. At its shortest point, the distance between the English and French coastlines is only 22 miles, but a combination of cold and strong currents mean that only 10% of people who attempt this feat actually make it to the other side.

The first channel attempt was by J.B Johnson, who had to pull out after just over an hour. Three years later, Paul Boyton made it to the other side using a special prototype buoyancy suit. However the first unaided swim went to Captain Matthew Webb, who swam from Dover to Calais in 21 hours and 45 minutes on his second attempt.

Curiously, after this success it was to be 35 years before another was registered, although there were plenty of attempts. One man, Jabez Wolffe tried and failed on no less than 22 occasions, four of them by less than a mile! Thomas Burgess had better success, becoming the second man to swim the channel on is 13th attempt.

The first man to swim in the reverse direction from France to England was Enrico Tiraboschi in 1923 - nowadays France-England is recognised as the 'easy' route because of favourable tides. In 1926 Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to complete the distance.

The popularity of channel swimming reached new heights with the staging of a cross-Channel race in 1950; 20 entrants took part in the inaugural race, 9 of whom finished. In 1972, 15-year old Lynne Cox became the youngest person to swim the channel, breaking the men's and women's speed records in the process, and in 1988 Thomas Gregory swum the channel aged just 11.

To date, over 1200 people have completed this challenge since the first success more than 130 years ago. The team with the record for the most swims is the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team with now almost forty swims completed by its members. The current speed record is held by Christof Wandratsch in a staggering time of 7 hours and 3 minutes. However, the undisputed channel crossing champion is Alison Streeter, who originally hails from Dover and has crossed the channel 43 times, in addition to setting the first three-way channel crossing - a return journey to Dover and then back to France again! The popularity of Channel swimming is now such that hopeful swimmers must go on a waiting list to secure a boat crew to escort them across.

History of English Channel Swimming

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Swimming - The Right Way to Exercise

Swimming is one of the easiest exercises there is. You need minimal equipment and it is a lot of fun. Even if you don't know how to swim, you can take heart from the fact that most people learn easily, irrespective of their age or level of fitness. Swimming can help you lose weight, develop a stunning body and achieve total all-round fitness. So, swimming as an exercise might seem to be a winner all round.

While there is no refuting the various benefits of swimming, to get maximum benefit from swimming as an exercise, it is important that you know what you should and should not do while swimming.


If you want maximum gain from swimming as an exercise, you've got to understand one cardinal rule: thrashing furiously in the water will only exhaust you; it will not get you moving faster in the water. To get maximum mileage from your strokes, you need to know how to swim efficiently. You need to learn how to travel faster with each stroke and how to distribute the work equally among all the muscles of your body. This way, you would not injure yourself or kill your desire to swim.

Swimming - The Right Way to Exercise

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Different strokes for different people, they say, and there's a lot of truth in that. The variations in swimming styles are not there for fun and competitiveness alone. Some strokes are better than others when it comes to dealing with specific injuries. For instance, the breast stroke is best for people suffering from an injured shoulder. The back stroke is good for the muscles at the back of the hand and for people who cannot abide the water splashing into their eyes and face. The side stroke can improve the strength of the hand while providing a lot of flexibility for underwater movement.

Swimming is an exercise. So, take the same steps you would normally take to warm up and condition your muscles before you start swimming. 300-400 meters of gentle strokes can warm up all your muscle groups. Kicking in the water while holding on to something increases the flow of blood to your legs. This will prevent muscle strain.

When swimming for fitness, remember to increase effort only as you progress. You aim is not to break down from exhaustion. Regulate the number of strokes and swim gently, pausing every once in a while until you are ready to take on tougher challenges.

Just as in other sport activities, it is important to cool down before you stop. A slow and easy 250-400 meter swim is enough to wind up your swimming exercise nicely.

Swimming as an exercise has many advantages.
- Strengthens muscles
- Improves flexibility
- Strengthens bones
- Builds endurance
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Helps weigh loss
- Improves metabolism

But these benefits of swimming become available to the exerciser only when they adopt the right practices.

Swimming - The Right Way to ExerciseLuxury and splendor of tits balloon contest! Video Clips. Duration : 24.78 Mins.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mastering Swimming (The Masters Athlete Series)

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Nice Design by :Human KineticsOver All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $9.54Date Created :Apr 09, 2011 11:52:16

Trim seconds off your time, train more efficiently, or simply maximize your fitness workouts with Mastering Swimming.

Renowned coaches Jim Montgomery and Mo Chambers have teamed up to create the ultimate swimming guide for masters athletes. Swimmers aged 18 to 120 will benefit from a targeted approach that covers these essentials:

-Stroke instruction and refinement for freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly

-Workout plans for fitness and competition

-Training for open-water swimming and triathlon

-Second-saving starts and turns

In addition, Mastering Swimming covers equipment, dryland training, motivational strategies, and guidance for selecting a masters coach or program. With such complete coverage, it's the one resource you'll turn to time and again for a lifetime of serious swimming.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Swimming - Benefits of a Family Sport

One of the oldest water sports is swimming. What makes it more inviting is that the sport has the least number of injuries compared to other sports. During vacation, beaches, water parks and lakes are filled with swimming enthusiasts.

Recently, man has realized the importance to own a fit and healthy body. Science shows that swimming is beneficial to developing ones blood circulation, while providing a way to stretch the muscles.


With the ease one moves in water, swimming offers minimal force requirement, while one building one's power and heart beat capacity and endurance.

Swimming - Benefits of a Family Sport

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Nice Design by :SpeedoOver All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $8.76Date Created :Mar 28, 2011 18:04:35
This is a great training tool to build strength and endurance during your lap work outs. Our Pull Buoy is one of Speedo's best selling items. Train on and train strong with Speedo, the water experts and most popular swim brand in the world!

With the benefits above, people promoting health would include swimming in the fitness regime. It is used to maintain one's body mass and shape.

Not only is swimming serious work, but also fun for relaxation and recovering one's health.

Families who could afford a swimming pool choose to build one in the comforts of their own house.

For those who are already into the game, they turn professionals. Some become lifeguards assigned to beaches or swimming pools. They help save lives of those people who find face problems in swimming while in the beach or pool. Others become swim team coach who lead swimmers whether amateur or professionals. As the coach, one lectures swimmers on the different strokes and provides insights on techniques in building stamina.

When going swimming, one should also consider one's attire. Proper swimming outfit reduces friction and allows free movement.

Friction between the body and water causes resistance to the body which gives it a good work-out when you work through the water. A lot of water activities take advantage of this like water aerobics and water ballet. Water-based activities enhance a person's metabolism and exercise each part of the body.

For beginners, a great way of mastering the various swim strokes is to take swimming classes from a professional. It's recommended that you know how to swim by the time you are eight years old.

Swimming - Benefits of a Family SportMarc Broussard - Home Tube. Duration : 4.18 Mins.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Swimming Lessons For Life

Swimming Lessons are a necessity in life. Teaching your child to swim is just as important as teaching your child to walk.

Drowning is the second leading cause of death in children under the age 14, auto accidents is number one, so you can see how important it is that your child learns to swim at a very early age.


Children are very curious near water and are not able to understand the dangers. It is believed that most children drown quietly without splashing or calling for help when they find themselves in trouble in the water. Most children drown when a adult is nearby but was temporarily distracted.

Swimming Lessons For Life

!1: Now is the time Speedo Pull Buoy Royal/Grey Order Today!

Nice Design by :SpeedoOver All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $10.18Date Created :Mar 18, 2011 15:57:45
This is a great training tool to build strength and endurance during your lap work outs. Our Pull Buoy is one of Speedo's best selling items. Train on and train strong with Speedo, the water experts and most popular swim brand in the world!

A study was done in the Journal of Pediatrics in relationship between the child's age and place of drowning. What they found was that babies most often drown in bathtubs when left unattended, even for a few minutes. Toddlers drown most often in swimming pools or backyard ponds. Most children who drown in pools were last seen inside the home and had been out of sight for less than five minutes. Older children more often drown in large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers and oceans.

As you can see by the statistics, swimming lessons is a key component to your child living a long healthy life. It is your duty as a parent to make sure your child learns how to swim. If you can't teach them, then you need to find somebody who can.

Make sure your instructor is a qualified swim instructor and not just a family friend who might think they know how to swim. There are many important things that a child needs to learn for there safety that most people don't learn on there own.

Your child is not to young to learn to swim (babies have been swimming for 9 months before birth) and naturally are very comfortable in the water. Also your child is not to old to learn to swim.

Don't put your child at risk any longer, go find a swim school or private instructor in your area immediately.

Swimming Lessons For LifeMr. Bean goes to the pond, swimming pool Tube. Duration : 4.22 Mins.

Funny and hilarious Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) goes to the pool, but what happened? : D Watch and laugh! Mr. Bean best video of all time (in my opinion).

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